WFC Access Policy

World Fantasy Access Policy

This Access Policy is the model document that World Fantasy Organizing teams should personalize for their venue/team/etc. All aspects must be addressed. In addition, the team will provide (and publish) a venue specific Access Audit. This will be required as part of the Bid to host World Fantasy Convention.

An access audit is information about the hotel/venue that is not specific to any event. Once written the document could be used for other events also. It gives people with access concerns the information about the venue, that generally the event organizing team cannot change.

The example below is for a hotel in the UK and is intended to give you an idea of the type of information that would be required.

Access Policy

In Person Panel/Talks/Program Rooms

  • We will have at least one wheelchair/scooter space marked in each program room and that the layout has space for a mobility scooter to maneuver.
  • We will have seating in any area where there is likely to be queueing and a volunteer to ensure that those who need to sit are still able to access the activity/panel.
  • We will mark some seats as reserved for those who need to sit or who need to be in a specific area e.g., close to the front for sight or hearing, and close to the back for anxiety or other needs.
  • Staging or platforms may be used to improve visibility of participants in program items. Where these are used a step-free method of access will be made available.
  • We will use microphones for speeches, readings and panels.
  • Please let us know in advance if you would find a hearing assistance system (Induction loop or Infrared) or sign interpretation of benefit via the registration form or by emailing the access team.



  • We aim to have mobility scooters available. This will need to be prebooked via the registration form or by emailing the access team. We may ask you to pay the costs of this.



  • We have written an access audit to provide specific access information about the venue. Please do read this to get a better idea of the venue and nearby facilities.
  • We will provide an annotated venue map and physical signage at the venue to aid navigation. Signage will aim to be clearly legible, considering font size/type and background color contrasts.

Publications’ Format

  • We aim to ensure that publications, particularly program information, are available online in a variety of formats, including in a downloadable version.
  • Online information with graphics should be accessible with alt text or include the information in the post itself.
  • Large print paper publications may be available, particularly for program information, but it is likely to be impractical for the souvenir guide to be available in other formats. Please let us know if you would like this via the registration form or by emailing the access team.

In Person Social Spaces

  • We have seats in all social spaces and space for mobility scooters and wheelchairs to maneuver.


Quiet Room

  • We will aim to provide a Quiet Room at the venue to allow you to take a break from the convention and quietly reenergize yourself with minimal distractions.



  • We ask all of our attendees to refrain from applying scented products while in the convention spaces, including in the toilets. It is fine to wear scented products, but please apply them in your own hotel room or outside.
  • Smoking will not be permitted in indoor convention spaces and there should be alternative routes (signed) to get to convention rooms without going through smoking rooms.

Gender Neutral Toilets

  • We will aim to have at least one toilet that is designated gender neutral (in addition to the accessible toilets), but it is dependent on the venue to allow this.
  • We do not police who uses which bathroom and expect our attendees not to do so either. We expect people to use the bathroom that makes them comfortable and respect others’ need for privacy. We also understand that young children or others who need assistance will need to be in the same facility as the person assisting them.

Invisible Conditions

  • We recognize that not all conditions are visible and trust our attendees to make their needs known without having to disclose medical information or “proof”. This means that we do not use a visible badge or sticker to indicate access needs. We might have a sticker or card that is not on display.


Allergies & Food

  • We would like you to let us know about your food allergies and dietary restrictions so we can provide appropriate food at receptions and the banquet. We will label food items at receptions, so that you can choose items that meet your needs. We also plan to pass on the overall number and needs (e.g., 6 vegetarians and 4 gluten free) to the hotel and party/launch organizers. We will pass on specific dietary requirements with your name to the hotel for banquet attendees. If you have an allergy (food or otherwise) or dietary requirement and would like this information passed on to party hosts, launch organizers or to the hotel, we are happy to do this. If the allergy relates to your hotel bedroom or includes breakfast rather than the function rooms, we ask that you contact the hotel directly. Please let us know on the registration form or by emailing the access team.


Communication & Social

  • We aim to provide pronoun stickers, but to make them optional.
  • We will look at the need for interpreters in Sign Language, depending on the demand and available budget. If this would be helpful for you, then please do prebook via the registration form or by emailing the access team.
  • We will consider having a social activity or Q&A session on Thursday night (everyone welcome) to ensure those who are feeling nervous or want to ask questions have an informal opportunity to do so, to facilitate meeting new people and to welcome everyone.


  • We will ask that any time alcohol or food is available there should be a soft drink option as well. This will apply to parties and launches.

Online Access – If we have an online option:

  • We will look at the options of captions/subtitles on live and recorded online content. Please contact us if you would benefit from this.
  • We aim to use software that is likely to be familiar to many attendees. Also, to give people an opportunity to use software that they might be unfamiliar with prior to the event.
  • We intend to provide written instructions and ideally a video demonstration of how to access virtual programming.
  • We aim to have more than one way of accessing tech support, in case attendees are not able to access a particular platform.
  • We intend to record online content, where appropriate, to allow this to be viewed later. We will ensure that attendees at the hotel know which rooms/program items are being recorded.
  • Our Code of Conduct will apply to online spaces and direct messaging as well as in physical places.


  • We will have a bursary/scholarship for people who would struggle with the financial cost of attending. We will specifically invite applications from underrepresented groups. We welcome donations from attendees and supporters for the bursary fund.

Public Health

  • We will put together a policy regarding covid or other public health concerns, if it is appropriate, closer to the time.


  • If you need anything else that we have not mentioned here please do contact us and let us know.
  • Email addresses for access queries will be posted by each hosting convention committee.