The judges for the 2018 World Fantasy Awards, for work published in 2017, have been chosen. The judges will read and consider eligible materials submitted by June 1, 2018 — the earlier the better.
Eligibility Qualifications: All books must have been published in 2017; magazines must have a 2017 cover date; only living persons are eligible.
Fantasy Types: All forms of fantasy are eligible, e.g. high, epic, dark, contemporary, literary.
2018 World Fantasy Awards Judges
+*David Anthony Durham
4069 Kings Row; Reno, NV 89503
(hard copies; PDFs)
+**Christopher Golden
14 Orchard Hill Road; Bradford, MA 01835;
(prefers hard copies, mobi)
+**Juliet E. McKenna
19 Eton Close; Witney; Oxfordshire; OX28 3GA; United Kingdom;
(prefers hard copies, then mobi)
+Charles Vess
Green Man Press; 152 East Main Street/ 1-E; Abingdon VA 24210; USA;
(prefers hard copies)
+**Kaaron Warren
7 Berry Street; Downer, ACT, 2602; Australia;;
(prefers hard copies, then mobi)
Key: Judging is often easier with +hard copies, but those judges marked with an * can accept pdfs; ** can accept mobi; *** both; § can accept ePub.
Peter Dennis Pautz, President of the World Fantasy Awards Association, adds these instructions —
Send materials you wish to be considered by the panel directly to the addresses above, and very importantly, please mark all packages as PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS – NOT FOR SALE OR RESALE – NO COMMERCIAL VALUE — WORLD FANTASY AWARDS MATERIALS. Also, please make sure to send a file hard copy of all materials to my office at [8050 Mukilteo Speedway, #43; Mukilteo, WA 98275-0043; USA] so a comprehensive submission list may be kept. This is how we ensure the judges have received eligible items, and you can be sure that your work has been given fair attention.
World Fantasy Convention 2018 will be held in Baltimore November 1-4, chaired by Ann Marie Rudolph and Bill Lawhorn.